The first time Eric Migicovsky saw his watch in the wild was at Torontos Pearson Airport last February. Disembarking a late-night flight, he ran into someone sporting a Pebble on his wrist. The guy saw me and was like, Good work. I just got mine the other day, recounts Migicovsky, laughing. It was just the weirdest thing.去年二月,在加拿大多伦多皮尔逊机场,埃里克?米基科夫斯基首次在现实生活中看见自己发售的Pebble手表。从一架午夜航班上下来时,他邂逅了一个戴着Pebble手表的人。“那哥们看见了我,然后说道:‘我这块Pebble手表刚刚卖没几天。好用极了。
’”米基科夫斯基笑着说道:“这事真是太不可思议了。”Given its initial success, Migicovsky may want to get used to such encounters. His device, the Pebble smartwatch, became an overnight media sensation last year when it snagged almost $10.3 million in funding on Kickstarter -- over 100 times the original amount Migicovsky hoped to raise. (The Pebble also quickly became exhibit A for the crowdfunding sites power.) The firms 11 full-time employees have shipped 25,000 watches to date, priced at $99 for early supporters and $150 retail. They expect to ship another 50,000 this month.鉴于Pebble首战告捷,米基科夫斯基有可能要对这种事习以为常了。
If brisk sales continue, the Pebble is poised to become a significant player in the emerging wearable computing market, which Google (GOOG) will enter later this year with its augmented reality eyeglasses, Google Glass. Even Apple (APPL) may have a smartwatch of its own coming -- if rumors are to be believed. Gartner Research analyst Michael Gartenberg estimates wearable will become a whopping $10 billion industry by 2015.如果Pebble之后旺销,它将沦为正在蓬勃发展的可配戴式计算机市场上的一家最重要厂商。谷歌(Google)将于今年晚些时候携同增强现实眼镜产品谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)进占这个市场。而且如果传言有误,苹果(Apple)也或将发售自己的智能手表。
市场调研公司低德纳(Gartner Research)分析师迈克尔?加腾伯格预期到2015年,可配戴式计算机将茁壮为产值低约百亿美元的产业。The sudden swell in backing came as a surprise to Migicovsky, a University of Waterloo graduate with an engineering degree, who first dreamed up the idea of a watch that connected wirelessly with a smartphone while he was out cycling one day. I thought, wouldnt it be cool to see text messages, caller ID, and that kind of thing right there on your watch instead of having to take out your phone? he recalls.米基科夫斯基享有滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)工学学士学位。
某天他在骑自行车时突发奇想,为什么不设计一款能与智能手机无线连接的手表呢?而Kickstarter上无比顺利的募资让他出现异常惊艳。米基科夫斯基回忆说:“我想要,如果能在手表上查阅短信、电话等各种信息,而不是拿著手机,是不是十分酷?”Not everyone shared Migicovskys enthusiasm for wearable computing then. Early on, Micicovsky had trouble generating interest from many venture capitalists who were reluctant to invest in a hardware company with the exception of $375,000 raised from four angel investors, including Tim Draper, co-founder of the Menlo Park, Calif.-based venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson. I was thinking, what happens in a post-Apple world, and I decided it was watches and glasses, Draper explains. And while Pebble first passed through Paul Grahams famed YCombinator, the same startup incubator that yielded Airbnb and Dropbox, it wasnt until Kickstarter that Pebble really found its footing.不过,并不是每个人都寄予厚望米基科夫斯基的可穿着式计算机设备。最初,米基科夫斯基很困惑无法夺得风险投资家们的宠信,这些人可不不愿向一家硬件新创企业投资。
只有四位天使投资人向米基科夫斯基抛了橄榄枝,其中还包括蒂姆?德瑞普。他是加州门罗帕克市德丰杰风投基金(Draper Fisher Jurvetson)的牵头创始人。他们一共投资375,000美元。
德瑞普说明说道:“我仍然在思索什么看穿需要称雄‘后苹果时代’,我的观点是手表和眼镜未来将会沦为真命天子。”保罗?格雷厄姆创立的风险投资公司YCombinator极具盛誉,曾产卵出有创意公寓租赁服务Airbnb和云存储技术公司Dropbox等新创企业。Pebble最初经过了YCombinator的产卵,但直到登岸Kickstarter,Pebble才确实以求扎根。Although so-called smartwatches have been tried by other companies like Sony (SNE) and Motorola, the Pebble earned a slew of mostly positive reviews that applauded its sleek waterproof design, including that outdoors-friendly 1.26-inch power-sipping screen that was designed with subtlety in mind. Thanks to a 10-month design process that involved over 50 different prototype designs and 3-D-printed mock-ups, the Pebble looks less like those chunkywatches favored by Dick Tracey and more like a contemporary timepiece. It also works largely as advertised. So long as users have an iPhone or Android device with Bluetooth, Pebble owners can screen calls, check email and other messages. (The Pebble vibrates for every incoming email and text received.)智能手表不是什么新鲜事物,索尼(Sony)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等公司都曾多次发售过类似于的产品。